Contact us for customized solutions tailored specifically to your project.
You have a choice for flooring now: element7concrete, or something to throw into a landfill later. Thank you for considering a better way.
Our mission is to image the Gospel by working low-end materials into high end surfaces.
Our vision is hundreds of hyper-streamlined stores serving millions while changing thousands of lives of those learning our ways of service through value creation.
Our values are Safety, Making Raving Fans, and Creating Value.
We’ve discovered (the hard way) that concrete is like wood: there are framers and there are trim carpenters. Those are usually 2 very different people. One is not better than the other. They are just really different. We are like the trim carpenters. We create the most value when called to use our high attention to detail and unique skills. Straightforward concrete placement projects are best done by others. Please feel free to contact us for referrals there.